8 Types of Shots That Will Dramatically Change Your Video Marketing

Great content is at the forefront of great video marketing - if a picture speaks a thousand words then video speaks a million! The best way to communicate your brand message, and the offerings you have is with gripping video content that makes people stop in their tracks and take notice. 

Your shots need to do more than just show your setting - they need to tell and story. 

Here are 8 tips on how you can dramatically change your video marketing content, so it feels like your audience is right there with you...

Show the Process

Whether it’s a café, bookstore, music venue, or bar - every business has its own process. If you really want your viewership to connect with your product or service a great tool is showing your audience how the process itself works. Understanding the hard work, technical skill and care that goes into a product, makes it all the more appealing. So why not incorporate this into your next video marketing idea?

TIP:  We used a 100mm lens to get in close and show how pasta is being made. This was a lot more effective than just showing a plate of pasta with no context.

Show the Action

High energy and action shots are always a show stopper. Who doesn't like watching a little fast-paced action? Maybe you own a car company? Or a sports related business? This could be the perfect opportunity to add some high energy, fast-paced action shots into your video marketing strategy. Get your audience excited about what you’ve got coming next!

TIP:  Slow motion B-roll footage can really help showcase the intensity and action. We like to shoot at 100fps for a slick speed ramp to slow down and speed up an action scene. 

Show the Skill

Anything that requires technical skill and training has a value of its own. If you provide a service or product that can only be produced by a high level of skill - tell people about it! Whether it's creating incredible food to painting captivating art pieces - allowing your viewership a glimpse of the talent and intricacies of your product opens up a whole new world for your audience. Did you know that a cup of coffee starts out as a bright red cherry? The cherries are picked, fermented, dried, milled, exported, roasted, ground and brewed! That's a long list of steps and each step has a unique process, location, required skill set and group of people to get the job done. Not often do we get to see what goes into what we purchase, so showing the skill behind a product is a great way to communicate your value.

TIP:  Tight shots of hands are always intriguing. We shot just the hands at a coffee shop. It was enough to show the level of detail that goes into preparing the perfect cup of espresso. We made it interesting by combining a 50fps slow motion and a 100fps video shots together. 

Show the Method

A lot of the time, a service or product will follow a particular pattern. Refined and perfected until the perfect formula has been created. Letting your audience in on a couple of trade secrets never hurts… maybe you’ve developed the perfect method for creating that signature dish? Or perhaps you’ve mastered the art of the perfectly poached egg? Whatever it is - sharing your tips and tricks through video content is a great way to create valuable material people will share with friends and engage with. Building trust is super important in creating a loyal client base. 

TIP: Don’t be afraid to get a simple shot of a job being executed. We shot marble cutting from the perspective of the workers, utilising the tools to give a nice behind the scenes look into the method. Techniques such as shooting slow motion, using a macro lens as well as going handheld are great ways to spice up each shot.

Show the Story

Often there is a lot more to a product than what you might see on the shelf. There's a whole story behind it! Opening up a new world for your audience by telling them the story from start to finish of how your product came to be, can be just as captivating and exciting as an amazing product in itself. Storytelling via video content is always an excellent video marketing strategy.

TIP: For this shot we focused on a subject moving in lovely video lighting. The motion might be mundane on a storyboard, but it looked fantastic when shot in gorgeous natural light. 

Show the Experience

The luxury market is something that not everyone gets to experience. So if you have the chance to give your viewership a glimpse into how the other half live - why not do it? Giving your audience a taste of a lavish lifestyle or experience could be exactly the incentive they need to treat themselves! Make use of video marketing to tell your audience what makes your luxury product or experience unique. 

TIP: Having models to demonstrate a lifestyle is a great approach. Our shot was created with drone footage to highlight the glamour and decor that the couple was experiencing. Don’t be scared to invest in models, they can really shape your lifestyle shots. 

Show the Style 

Having style and flair is always a sure fire winner. Nothing grabs attention better than a product with great style. This goes for fashion, art, food… you name it! Style is a great thing to utilise especially if you’re looking to grow your digital presence on social media. Instagram is the perfect platform to showcase a stylish portfolio.

TIP: Again, another example of how tight shots can really work well. We could have even gone with a macro lens to show the level of detail in these lash extensions.

Show the Work

The more work that goes into a product the more valuable it becomes - generally speaking. Especially if the work that goes into something takes a lot of care, precision and skill. People always want to know about the quality and effort that goes into what they're buying. Naturally, everyone wants the best value for their money. So when it comes to video marketing, don’t forget to show your customer base what it takes to produce your product, and the hard work and dedication that goes into it.

TIP: We deliberately went handheld with this shot to really emphasise the detail here. Handheld camera shots can really help make things more immersive. 

The Bottom Line

When it comes to communicating with your customer base, video marketing is definitely the way forward. The best way to speak to your audience is to take them on the journey with you with a story, experience, method and sense of style… you get it - showing is telling!

We hope this has been useful in giving you some new ideas for online content. At Haych Digital Marketing Agency we work with you to create new exciting video content ideas that don't just show what you do, but tell the story of HOW you do it. 

Want to know more about our video marketing services - Get in touch with us!


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